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眾「新」雲集!2013 大紐約地區台灣同學會聯合會(FTSANY) 迎新茶會

2013 FTSANY Orientation Tea Party




To celebrate the arrival of new students from Taiwan, we held an orientation tea party for more than 100 members during a refreshing afternoon. With sponsored homemade snacks and authentic bubble tea, this event intended to comfort the nostalgic participants. Besides providing much useful information regarding the city, we hosted a series of party games in order to connect students from different schools. This annual event went smoothly with the help of TECO, while we successfully introduced to members our fundamental purpose of running the organization: developing a large network of overseas students and giving extra supports.

2013 FTSANY Orientation


New & New

【New & New】大紐約台灣學聯 迎新遊艇舞會【New & New】FTSANY Orientation Cruise Party


繼迎新茶會之後,為提供舊雨新知們一個互相連絡情誼的場合,第23屆大紐約學聯復興了具傳奇色彩的盛大活動──遊艇舞會。建立在New Semester和New York兩個「新」的意象上,我們期望能為長期關注學聯的朋友們帶來不同的夜生活體驗。在音樂聲中放開拘束,用舞步鼓動浪潮;隨著船的前進方向,欣賞夜裡的城市光影;與相知相惜的人們相遇舉杯,在甲板上互道晚安......最後總計有超過350人與我們共創海上浪漫,入場門票更意外造成搶購熱潮。


Welcome on board! Next to the tea party, we revived the legendary festival—FTSANY Cruise Dance Party! The title “New & New” was originated from two concepts: new semester and the beautiful city we live in, New York. In addition to new arrivals, we invited our long-term members to join in experiencing this special nightlife style. Through the fabulous journey, we relaxed our bodies and minds, dancing to the rhythms on the river; we enjoyed the gorgeous view of Manhattan, raising our glasses toward our new friends and then greeting them good night. Eventually the event recruited more than 350 people with whom we hit the water for romance.


FTSANY 感恩節 Woodbury 跨夜購物團FTSANY Black Friday Shopping Tour


又來到了美國一年一度的重要節日:感恩節!鼎鼎大名的紐約Woodbury Common Outlet在Black Friday年年都祭出令人咋舌的特殊折扣,我們當然也要邀請同學們跟我們一起去體驗這趟瘋狂購物之旅!本次大紐約學聯特別與贊助商杉美旅行社合作,參加者僅需支付低廉車票即可參加從晚上一路逛到隔天太陽升起的跨夜購物團。最後總計有超過50名幸運的報名者和我們一同出發,最後平安地滿載而歸!


Before Thanksgiving was around the corner, FTSANY had started to plan a special shopping tour for those who looked forward to the stunning discounts in Woodbury Premium Outlet stores—on Black Friday! The event turned out to be a very rewarding trip. To provide cheaper round-trip tickets for Taiwanese students, we cooperated with our sponsor, Friendly Travel; therefore the 55 participants not only saved a lot while shopping across the night but also paid much less for transportation.

Black Friday



2014 大紐約學聯 神馬滑雪團

2014 FTSANY What!? Lets go skiing!!


還沒想好新學期應該如何開始嗎?還沒想好如何迎接新的一年嗎?那就跟著我們一同前往麻州的春田市和Mount Snow滑雪場吧!你可能聽過籃球名人堂所在的春田鎮,但你一定不清楚繪本作家Dr. Seuss和M14步槍都來自這個春田市!入夜後還能與同鄉好友們一起在舒適的飯店享受晚餐和溫馨有趣的新年晚會!如果你對這些都沒有興趣,那也沒關係!這裡有一座你一定會被吸引的滑雪場:Mount Snow!Mount Snow 保證新手能體驗到最刺激有趣的滑雪經驗,如果你是經驗豐富的雪場老手,這裡也有陡陡陡的陡坡和無數的驚險彎道,讓你能滑得開心過癮!


Have you had an amazing skiing or snowboarding experience? Have you ever glided down a mountain with the sun shimmering on surrounding snow? Participants of all levels are welcome to join this incredible two-day journey. At the first day, we will bring you to the beautiful Springfield town (locates in Massachusetts), where we can visit awesome museums, Armory Historic Site or Basketball Hall of Fame. When the night comes, we will have dinner at a cozy hotel and then celebrate the Chinese New Year together. The next day will begin with hot breakfast and then get even better at the Mount Snow Resort. There are numerous slopes and curves designed for both first timers and advanced players. If you are interested in joining us, please click the following link to apply online.


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