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「大紐約地區台灣同學會聯合會」簡稱「大紐約學聯」以及「FTSANY」(Federal of Taiwanese Student Association in New York) 成立於西元1990年。大紐約學聯志在服務大紐約區的台灣同學, 大紐約區定義包含紐約州.紐澤西州.康乃狄克州.賓夕法尼亞州。大紐約學聯是非營利.非政治.非宗教性組織。成立目地為團結大紐約地區台灣留學生, 輔助並聯合各校台灣學生會, 增進各校台灣同學之情誼。不定期主辦各種學術性.聯誼性.娛樂性活動,並成立網路/實體平台讓學生/社會人士相互交流,促進各種文化.藝術.生活.就業…各種資源流動。




FTSANY, Federal of Taiwanese Student Association in New York, was established at 1990. The primary goal of the association is to help and serve Taiwanese students in the states of New York, New Jersey, Connecticut, and Pennsylvania. FTSANY is a nonprofit, nonpolitical, and unreligious organization. The student association focuses on bridging all of Taiwanese students associations in different schools and fostering the connection in the student community. The student association will occasionally hold educational, entertaining, and interactive events, providing a platform where people from school and workplace are able to meet and share talents, interests, and ideas.

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